About Us
Who We Are
The MFC was begun with a broader vision and wanted to provide an organization that encouraged camaraderie between active and retired first responders, military veterans and civilian patriots. At our core the MFC Motorcycle Club is a fraternal organization. It is a brotherhood that respects and honors those who have served this great country both at home and abroad.
In 2012, the MFC was officially chartered and recognized as a 501 (C) (3) organization. The MFC now has chapters throughout Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, West Virginia and Connecticut, with increasing interest in other states as well.
Since the beginning of the MFC each new chapter has been required to adopt a local charitable organization that supports first responders or veterans. Each chapter then conducts fundraising events to support the adopted organization annually. Since 2012 the MFC MC has collectively raised over $250,000 in charitable donations to qualifying organizations. In addition to fundraising, the MFC participates in a number of events that support our veterans and first responders such as Wreaths Across America, Honor Flight and memorials.

Frequently Asked Questions
Our Club Colors represent common elements of our Member service organizations and the bonds that tie us together as Brothers and Sisters. The center patch contains The Shield, a universal symbol used by the military, law enforcement and firefighters/ems as an emblem of our service. The Black Slash represents the black banner we all wear on our shields when a Brother or Sister has given their life in the defense of the country and its people. The Red Field represents the blood of those who have sacrificed all in the name of freedom. The Lightning Bolts represent the swift and sure response in defense of our Brothers and Sisters in time of need. The Skull is the universal symbol of bikers and its prominence represents the common bond of our shared passion for riding motorcycles. Finally The Banner at the base of the shield is written in Latin “Libertas Vel Mors” and states our core belief – “Freedom or Death”
The MFC does not claim territory by displaying a lower rocker on our Colors. Our lower rocker designates only the state in which the Chapter is located. The lower rocker will never indicate that we encroach on the rights or freedoms of others.
Wearing our colors is a rite of passage, a journey that includes earning the respect of our members and the community at large. All Members of the MFC are expected to maintain the highest standards of character and integrity as they represent the Club in everything they do. This is at the heart of what that MFC sewn into our vests stands for.
No. The MFC is a group of intensely patriotic Americans that share a love of country, motorcycles, camaraderie, and public service.
Because the MFC has Members that are law enforcement with arrest powers and military officers with security clearances, we must maintain the highest standards of conduct. Our Members are held to account for their actions and we actively strive to hold the trust and respect of our communities. Participation in any organization that recruits or maintains members who endorse or promote criminal activity is prohibited by our By Laws.
What does the MFC do?
Foremost the MFC is about the love of riding motorcycles. But unlike solo riding, being part of the MFC means enjoying that ride experience with the same brotherhood and camaraderie we have known during our service to the country.
Can I join if I have never served in the military, law enforcement, or fire rescue services?
The Club also recruits those have worked in a support capacity to those organizations. We recognize the contribution of all people who stand in defense of America. The people who make it all happen, the mechanics, clerks, radio and computer techs, physicians, nurses, truck drivers and many other professions.
We also offer membership to persons who have never served, but have demonstrated outstanding citizenship while showing strong support for the MFC and its service branches. We call these members Civilian Patriots and we are proud to have them within our ranks.
Finally we offer Associate memberships to those who want to support the MFC in its mission, but don’t qualify under one or more provisions of a regular member.
What are the requirements to be considered for membership in the MFC?
There are three paths to membership in the MFC.
Regular Membership:
Current or previous service in the U.S. Military, Firefighter/EMS, or Local, State or Federal Law Enforcement. Regular membership is also open to those currently employed in a support capacity to any of the above qualifying military or public service organizations.
Civilian Patriot Membership:
Persons who have demonstrated support for the above service branches and outstanding citizenship, can also be eligible for membership if sponsored by a regular member of the MFC.
Any candidate for regular membership must have a valid Driver License with Motorcycle Endorsement and a Concealed Weapons Permit or be authorized to carry firearms off duty by virtue of their law enforcement assignment.
Any candidate for membership must own or ride an approved cruiser or touring style motorcycle. As Americans we encourage the ownership of Harley Davidson and American made motorcycles, however metric and European manufacturers are acceptable.
Associate Membership:
We also offer Associate Memberships to those who want to support the MFC in its mission, but don’t qualify under one or more provisions of a regular member.
What is the difference between a riding club and the MFC?
One of the great benefits of membership in the MFC is trust between members the mutual confidence it inspires. We are not merely a club of individuals with a common interest. We are a Brotherhood, bound together by our love of country, commitment to service, and dedication to each other. Membership in the MFC means acceptance into something larger than self and knowledge that no matter what the circumstance, your Brothers and Sisters stand with you.
Our standards are high, and we look for people who understand and practice the principles of honor and integrity in their daily lives. It is the foundation on which our Brotherhood is built and the bond between all of our Brothers and Sisters. Earning the right to wear the MFC colors, like our service branch uniforms, is a matter of great pride for each of us.
Why does the MFC require members to have and maintain a concealed weapons permit?
The MFC was founded by and will always have active and retired law enforcement officers as its core members. As such these members carry firearms and are prepared to act in defense of themselves or others. The Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights make provision for the defense of the Country by Civilian Patriots. This includes the right to have and bear firearms.
Therefore all members of the MFC carry firearms, either by virtue of their assignment as law enforcement officers or through the provisions their respective state’s Concealed Weapons Permit Law. Our members stand ready to defend themselves or others according to the provisions of applicable law.
Members of the MFC understand that they must govern themselves according to the high standards of our service branches and will be held accountable for their actions.
Anyone with a love of motorcycles and a desire to be part of something larger than themselves, should consider joining the MFC. We are an organization that demonstrates loyalty, camaraderie and brotherhood among our members. We are committed to the freedom of riding motorcycles, charitable public works that benefit our community and always demonstrating support for those American Heroes who have and are, defending the United States of American both at home and abroad.